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Sophie's Story

20 minute drama made for NZ Schools

A lively and absorbing drama directed at 15 to 17-year-olds which tells the story of a teenager who discovers her brother is addicted to the drug "P".

The effects of ‘P’ (or methamphetamine) pose a growing problem in New Zealand, threatening the well-being of young people as well as adults.

In creating a 20-minute DVD as a resource for Health education, we decided to use the drama format so that we could explore key themes in a way that caught the interest of students and provided a lively starting-point for discussion and teaching.

Starring: Xavier Horan, Troy Garton, Calvin Tuteao, Louise Graham and Leigh Fitzjames

Watch now on youtube: https://youtu.be/5fUDnXB-Of0

Download Sophie's Story study guide as a PDF  

Sophie's Story officially launched click here for details.




